Gorge Canada Day Picnic


About the Gorge Canada Day Picnic

2025 EVENT: The Gorge Tillicum Community Assocation is excited to host you in our community on Tuesday July 1, 2025!

The first Gorge Canada Day Picnic (GCDP) in 1999 came about through the vision and hard work of a small group of Gorge Tillicum Community Association (GTCA) volunteers. The key ideas were to have a day that Gorge residents could enjoy, traffic-free, along the Waterway and to build community through a popular celebration. We knew the Gorge had long been associated by older Victoria generations with fun and celebration, so we were just continuing a longstanding tradition.

With the support of Saanich municipality to close the road, we went about the job of filling up the 1.7km "stage" with fun, family oriented events. And we were fortunate enough to get it right almost from the beginning — many of the events you see today began in the early years of the GCDP and have maintained their popularity: the Family Parade; the Pancake Breakfast; the Canada Day Market; the Classic Car Show; the kids' games and road hockey; and the Strawberry Tea.

The first year went off without a hitch, but there were lots of open spaces in contrast to the busy and increasingly popular event you see today. One GCDP led to another, and thankfully many of the same team who produced the early Picnics have stayed involved over the years.

While there have been highlights over the years, the real highlight is the safe, secure and joyous event we've created for the growing numbers of residents and friends — now estimated at 10,000 to 15,000 people — who come each July 1st. The Picnic Committee is strong and vibrant and the event remains a largely volunteer-run operation but also benefits from significant support from Saanich and our sponsors.

If you'd like to volunteer to help with the event, we're always looking for fresh and fun folks to continue this legacy.

About the GTCA

The Gorge Tillicum Community Association (GTCA) has established itself as a vibrant, proactive community group in south Saanich. We have achieved a great deal and our strength has been attracting great local people who invest their time, energy and skill to help build our community's future.

The Gorge Tillicum Community Association is a voluntary organization that is recognized by Saanich as the representative voice of our community on local issues. We promote a healthy, vibrant community by addressing issues such as environment and parks, traffic and transportation, land use planning and streetscapes, social wellness, and community celebration.

We have good working relationships with Saanich Council and municipal staff, as well as with other community agencies. In addition, we also receive the support of several local and regional businesses for the Gorge Canada Day Picnic.

More about the GTCA